Commentary, discussions, sightings.
[This blog is officially dead, but enjoy the read!]

Thursday, June 28, 2001

Cool page featuringhistorical funstuffs!

Ever wonder what the longest word in the English language is? Wanna know what it means? It's defined here. If you don't want to catch pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, stay away from volcanos. I don't remember what supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means. I think I'll eat some humuhumunukunukuapuaa tonight.

Mi got to get to Jamaica!
Jamaican Recipes

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

So far the only real money that has been made on the net and the only potential for more is for companies who connect people together, like Napster and ebay... like this peer to peer article states.

Linux Online - Opinion: Linux: Alive and well on my desktop!

Monday, June 25, 2001 - Personal homepage with cool security links.

This "review" of A.I. gives away more than I'd like. I'll read it after the movie.

Sunday, June 24, 2001

Another article explaining the unpublicized (until now) option of credit card companies selling your account histories to the highest bidders... Tossing out your privacy

Credit Cards not as safe as you think.. Newly Discovered Bug 'Skims' Credit Card Data

Thursday, June 21, 2001

Instant Messaging has taken the Internet by storm. More instantaneous than e-mail and less intruding than a phone call, you can shout out to your friends or conduct business while sitting behind your computer doing work or surfing the net. Be be careful what you say, as one company CEO's ICQ logs were posted to the Internet (here they are)when his company experienced financial difficulties.

Wednesday, June 20, 2001


A little history:

Monday, June 18, 2001

Steve Gibson explains the future dangers of Denial of Service with Windows XP.

Thursday, June 14, 2001

Cool program - Alt. click on any word to get more information about it on the web. Like NBCi and Microsoft smart tags.

Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - new way of describing the net. Check out the singularity and evolution's exponential growth rate.

Found the above on DC Denison's Weblog.

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Old News:

Sexual harassment at Juno -- Internet companies, with 20-something managers fresh out of Ivy league schools, are not much different from mature companies (and possibly worse), when it comes to sexual power plays in the workplace. Well researched article.

File Under Javascript:


Monday, June 11, 2001

Unix-related help sites

(research for work)

UNIX Reference desk from geek-girl.
Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC)
X Windows
The WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server
The X consortium

UIArchive Site Map-- If you are interested in starting up your own Unix server. All the software you need...

I'm following some marketing campaigns and the companies behind them. Check this one out--Newsboy promo, by New York-basedThe Hired Guns.
This one started me out on this track: Harley promo by Umbrella Marketing (Mesa, AZ).

More on DoS

Study on the amount of Denial-of-Service attacks

Thursday, June 07, 2001

This makes for a fascinating read, if you like Internet security. Even if you don't like it -- Steve Gibson takes a mysterious topic - the denial of service attacks we've been hearing about that shut down services such as ebay and Yahoo, and breaks it down into an easily digestible web page (albeit a very long web page. He describes and incident of attacks on Check it out.

Somebody's got to say to Microsoft: "Back off, man."
Microsoft messaging tactics recall browser wars - Tech News -

I wrote some notes, rather than blog them. They were kicking around the work computer and I wanted to get rid of them.

My predictions after reading this article: 3Com exits DSL/Cable Arena

The phone company will control all wire access, including cable. AOL will buy AT&T next, to form AOLT&T. Microsoft will buy Sprint and MCI, and the new conglomeration will be called MCIMicroSprint. Cellular One, Cingular, Verizon, Voicestream and the rest of the baby bells will combine to form Cellularizonstreamular.

You saw the press release, and the condensed press release in the Gilbane Report, now CNet has written the first article on Bitstream's new Thunderhawk browser. Here comes the buzz...

Why subscribe to the Gilbane Report when you can get the Business Wire for free? Most press releases I've seen are distributed by Business Wire. I guess some people like to be spoon-fed.

Funny how they don't include company information and financial results. In my opinion, that information adds value, even if it were one click away...

Ok. I've been getting all this info from Business Wire. Fineline Properties creates original cartoon characters -- for your marketing or website needs, I assume. A recent press release introduces their Kooties(TM) figures, which they hope kids (and adults, I assume), will be trading much like some other famous characters...

File under further complication of the net:

I wonder when a law will be passed requiring people and businesses to get permission from a site before being able to create a link to it. This link got me thinking, if copyrighted works require permission, why not links?

Transmeta Recognized By U.S. Environmental Protection Agency For Energy-Efficient Crusoe Microprocessor -- chipping away at the Intel/Microsoft duopoly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Trademarks

Ethan Allen Announces Plans to Consolidate Three Manufacturing Plants -- Newspeak for layoffs... is Now Aspatore Books, Big Brand Books & -- Flash in the pan or another way to publish books? You decide.

Dot Com Death Trackers:
digitalDIRT company list

Handspring Trade-In Program -- Palm did this before, when Jeff Hawkins and Donna Dubinsky were in charge. I got $75 for trading in my first Palm.

Last night I watched the DVD commentary for Fight Club with David Fincher, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter. There are three commentaries on the disk -- another with Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls, and the last with the digital effects guys. It was better than the commentary on The Matrix, which supposedly had Carrie-Anne Moss, the editor and the digital effect supervisor. But when I listened to it, it sounds like Carrie-Anne left after the first half-hour, and the editor sounds like a dolt. The only reason for listening is for the sardonic comments by the visual effects supervisor.

In Fight Club, the commentary was edited so that there is talking nonstop throughout the film. Helena was recorded seperately, but she's edited in so that it doesn't effect the commentary, except for one part in the project mayhem flashback scene, where the globe in the fountain is destroyed and rolls into the coffee shop. Helena is edited in, and when she's finished, the commentary reverts back to Edward Norton and Fincher talking, only I can't follow what they are talking about because I don't know what they are referring to.

There's one point, the bar scene with Tyler and Jack when they first meet, when Ed and Brad are talking about Rosie O'Donnell's reaction to the movie -- how it disturbed her and how it wasn't kind of her to give away the ending on national television. They talk about whether it's good or bad to be trashing her on the DVD. Ed says that anyone watching the commentary who has gotten this far is a true fan... anyone listening he assumes is cool. I like that.

Overall, I give the commentary an 8/10. Although I liked it, sometimes the stars talked over one another, and there wasn't a set plan of what they were going to talk about. They also were watching the movie with no sound -- I don't know if that affected what they were commenting about or not. But it was good, and I recommend listening to it.

Next is track 2, with the writers...

BusinessWeek Online
BusinessWeek Business Schools

Web Building - -- Tricks of the trade for web authoring.

Wednesday, June 06, 2001

Global Business Network Book Club selections

I just added some moreover news links to the site. Here is the full list.

Like lemmings over a cliff -- Sounds like Long Term Capital Capital Management all over again.

Tuesday, June 05, 2001

Here's the book: Profit From the Core from Bain.

Scary: Bain & Company Study Finds That Less Than One in Ten Companies Are Growing Profitably

Do Analysts Eat Donuts?

Do analysts like to be negative about a good thing? I remember back in '94 when technology stocks were on the rise. I was buying and selling Iomega and Netscape almost daily. Stocks, which previously never went up more than a point or two a day, were suddenly shooting skyward 5-10 points a day. This overenthusiasm spread in the nineties until some stocks were rising 30-40 points a day. Now that small investors have taken Peter Lynch's advice to buy companies they know, analysts are eager to bring down Krispy Kreme from its sugar high( The Hole in the Krispy Kreme Craze).

The difference with KKR is that management is taking expansion slow enough that they're not going to become another Boston Market (Boston Market was a successful Massachussetts gourmet fast food restaurant that sold roasted chicken and sides. The food was good, and fast, but unfortunately, the stores expanded too quickly and the chain eventually went bankrupt and had to scale back.).

Krispy Kreme donuts have been popular since the store started selling them in 1937. This is not a recent fad that will blow out like an overstuffed jelly donut. Krispy Kreme will become the Starbucks of the '00s. I know I'll be eating at least one a day once they open up a store in my area.

Monday, June 04, 2001

Ever since I saw her in eXistenZ, I have been attracted to Jennifer Jason Leigh. I never thought she was anything to look at until I saw her in The Big Picture. She was cute in that, but she really developed into a sexy woman by purring her way through Cronenberg's eXistenZ. Now I have to see her in The King is Alive, even though it looks like a poorly shot, pretentious horror movie.

Friday, June 01, 2001

Apparently a bunch of teenagers are in a standoff with police. Their mother was arrested for abuse, after their father recently died. It could make a good movie.